Speech Therapy Services

Early Intervention Services• Language Delays • Articulation Disorders • Speech Sound Disorders • Infant Feeding Issues • Oral Motor Coordination

How to get started

early intervention speech therapy


GROW happily provides a complimentary phone consultation. This will help gather information about your child’s development and hear about your concerns. It is also a great time for you to get to know me and ask any questions you might have!

If an evaluation is warranted, it will be recommended and scheduled after this call. 


Evaluations are an important process to determine your family’s and child’s needs and the best treatment plan to fit those needs.

Depending on your child’s areas of needs evalautions may include:

  • parent questionnaires regarding developmental history and concerns

  • review of medical records

  • speech and language testing

  • oral motor and feeding evaluation

  • observations at home or in their daily setting

  • written report summarizing findings and recommendations


Following the results of your child’s evaluation a recommendation will be made to either determine a treatment plan or you will be provided with home programming to continue fostering your child’s development at home without services.

Treatment will consist of visits ranging from:

  • 30 minute sessions: best for articulation or phonological therapy

  • 45 minute sessions: best for early intervention and language therapy

  • 45-60 minute sessions: best for feeding therapy

    Sessions will include direct therapy with the child, parent/caregiver education, and home programming to ensure continued progress and carryover of skills. 

our specialties

Early Intervention services

Although each child develops individually, there are certain communication milestones that are expected for a child to reach between infancy and preschool age. When these are not reached you might be told that your child is a “late talker.” While some decide to “wait and see” it is critical to provide intervention for these difficulties early.

Early intervention focuses on fostering language development through play, natural interactions, and providing caregiver education for strategies to promote language development. GROW brings therapy right to your child’s daily environment, where your child feels most comfortable, making each session fun and personalized to their needs.

Parent Education

You as the parents are key players in your child's development, so focus on providing practical, easy-to understand guidance and coaching is an integral piece of services with GROW. My goal is to empower you with the tools and confidence you need to support your child's progress every day. We work together to find simple ways to incorporate learning into your family’s routine, making it a natural and enjoyable part of your daily life. Parent education sessions can take many different forms:

  • Thorough phone consultations with follow up suggestions and recommendations

  • In person consultations with or without child present to discuss concerns and solutions

  • Feeding home program with designated check in points

SPeech/Language Delays & disorders

Children can often feel frustrated when they are unable to communicate their basic wants and needs with those around them. This can look like difficulty being understood (intelligibility) or difficulty with understanding language and forming their thoughts into words (language deficits). Speech and Language Therapy can focus on a variety of areas including: 

  • Articulation and phonological deficits: this involves improving your child’s ability to clearly produce sounds in speech and their patterns of speech production

  • Receptive language difficulties: difficulty understanding directions, language, and concepts

  • Expressive language difficulties: difficulty expressing their wants and needs through words or other modes of communication

Feeding Therapy

As a parent/caregiver one of our most important jobs in our child’s developmental journey is establishing healthy and successful feeding patterns. When this doesn’t come naturally it can feel frustrating or like you’ve failed. I hold specialized training in infant feeding to help you through this process when things don’t go as planned. Feeding therapy can involve various areas such as:

  • Bottling/breastfeeding difficulty

  • Offering as needed consult based or continuous care

  • Individualized plans based on what you and your baby need

  • Ongoing collaboration with other disciplines as needed: doctors, dietitians, daycare staff, etc.

  • Assistance with tube feeding weaning as directed by your child’s care team (physician/dietitian, etc.)

  • Weight gain/growth concerns

  • Reflux strategies

Speech therapy activities

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